Wednesday 2 May 2012


Freedom day
To many, freedom day is an annual celebration of our country’s first elections that took place in the year 1994. It represents unity, preservation and restoration of human dignity that was shattered during the Apartheid era.

It really took a while for South Africa to partially overcome oppression from the Apartheid government because many live where lost. Now that SA has overcome the apartheid era, we still have people who continue racism and those who still hold a grudge against white people…if then this is the case can we really say that we have completely overcome racial oppression? I honestly believe not. For us to move towards a better future, we have to let go of the past and believe me I know this is more easily said than done.

Research reveals that during apartheid, crime and corruption were very low because the government restricted people’s movement and applied very strict laws which I could say did not leave much room for crime.Today, we are free and have rights as individuals which protect us, but crime and corruption continue to grow at an alarming rate. Apartheid = crime & corruption free…..Democracy: Crime and corruption driven…..Is freedom getting to our heads?????



  1. I think the cause of that is the separation between blacks and white that is still happen even today for example if you black and you move the suburbs and find white people there they wont make friends or socialise with you because they living with that mind of stereotype thinkng that you will steall for them then they move away. but if we to treat each other the same live on the same areas with good relationships such things won't happen.

  2. Separation or no separation...every man for himself.It is up to you as an individual to make something of yourself,there is no excuse for crime and corruption.It doesnt matter where you come from(poor background) , what matters is where you are going.

  3. how do except people to cite it or reference it
